Artists | Emily Siddell

“Emily draws together relationships between beauty, memory and humanity as quietly as a whisper.” – Sue Gardiner

Emily Siddell’s work melds together the Polynesian influence found in her urban Auckland upbringing, a passionate love of the glass medium, and an interest in domestic handicrafts such as knitting and crocheting. Emily works with ceramic, glass, and wire to create enchanting flora and fauna works of delicate beauty, partly inspired by her subtropical garden.

Emily speaks of how she loves collecting cuttings and seedlings from family and friends, planting them and watching them multiply, spreading out to fill spaces with their intricate patterns.
Emily Siddell’s works feature in The Dowse, Auckland War Memorial Museum and Te Papa: Museum of New Zealand.

I have always had a desire to collect and assemble similar objects, fascinated by the patterns and shapes these objects create in unity, the relationship of objects to each other and the stories they tell about our lives, the memento of a time or place or person.

Emily Siddell